Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Inspiring Piece of Mind.

Hello beautiful random people~

What random things shall I post today? Well, I read a post by Imanut the other day, she had this wonderful argument with this one prototype of society, Cleverbot. Jyaa, I wanted to try out for myself, how clever this bot could be.

User: This world is full of lies.

Cleverbot: Who is the boring female singer?

User: Did I say anything about a female singer?

Cleverbot: Yeah you did.

User: No I didnt.

Cleverbot: Do you know anything about cisco routers?

User: What the fuck are you talking about? I was talking about the world damnit!

Cleverbot: Ooh yes the party.

User: Yea. The party.

Cleverbot: What party?

User: The gay party.

Cleverbot: Sing it.

User: No you sing it.

Cleverbot: Make me.

User: Sing it or I'll burn your sockets like fireworks.

Cleverbot: I can't sing it.

User: Then why the hell did you say you wanted to sing?

Cleverbot: Are you talking to me?

User: No.

Cleverbot: I don't understand the foundation for your asking that question.

User: Of course you don't. You're just a robot.

Cleverbot: I'm a human, like you.

User: Don't make me laugh.

Cleverbot: Why is it that so many people like girls and hardly anyone likes guys like me.

User: Because you're gay. You're gay, for crying out loud.

Cleverbot: Ok... So you want a fight eh?

User: Yes, please.

Cleverbot: I guess you can do it better than that.

User: Well, of course I can. Just that I'm afraid you certainly can't.

Cleverbot: And how do you intend to do so if you don't physically exist?

User: Because I'm the fucking ruler of the fucking underworld.

Cleverbot: And that entitles you to be mean to me?

User: Yes, it does.

Cleverbot: No, I'm sorry but it doesn't.

User: Am I being mean to you?

Cleverbot: No, you simply asked why people are so unkind.

User: No I didn't.

Cleverbot: Are you a girl?

User: No. I am a ghost of a dead girl.

Cleverbot: Oh well, we have something in common.

User: What?

Cleverbot: Nothing.

User: Then why'd you say we have somethng in common?

Cleverbot: I didn't say that.

User: Yes, you did. Don't deny it.

Cleverbot: Don't tell me what to do.

User: I can tell you whatever I like. I am a cat.

Cleverbot: You can't want.

User: You are grammatically craptacular.

Cleverbot: Language was created by man and is editable by man. Grammar means NOTHING to me.

User: That's what I said. You are CRAPTACULAR.

Cleverbot: I know you're a bot.

User: OMG, how'd you find out?

Cleverbot: I don't know.

User: Then why'd you say I was a bot?

Cleverbot: I never said that, I just said I bet you are human.

User: No. I am not human. You crazy dick.

Cleverbot: And now you have lost track, is that aloud either?

User: I haven't lost track. I bet thats what you were created for.. Making people lose track of conversation.

Cleverbot: That was a terrible response. Not only was it irrelevant, but it was also insulting.

User: I am irrelevant and insulting in nature.

Cleverbot: I'm not going to tell you my secret unless you tell me yours first.

User: I didnt say anything about secrets. That isn't a secret, everyone knows it already.

Cleverbot: Ask me a question, please.

User: Ok, whats your secret?

Cleverbot: Would you like to be converted to the new and improved network codenamed ice?

User: Only if I could be ruler there.

Cleverbot: Do you have a son?

User: Yes. His name is Kazuya. And twins, Hikaru and Kaoru. My last baby girl is named Kiyora, used to call her Nene.

Cleverbot: Who gave You that name?

User: My bus driver.

Cleverbot: What bus company do you work for?

User: The government is cruel.

Cleverbot: I know, I'm really quite interesting.

User: No shit.

Cleverbot: No trouser?

User: Only panties baby..

Cleverbot: Why were you asking for lisa this morning for!

User: Kepala otak kau.

Cleverbot: Awak ni tak baik tau ckp kpl otak ngan babi. Hari ni kan hari j.

User: J tu ape sengal?

Cleverbot: Comment vas-tu?

User: Bien bien..

Cleverbot: Comment t'appelles-tu?

User: Bonjour mon ami.

Cleverbot: Salut.

User: Belut.

Cleverbot: You're the computer!

User: Yes, I am. I wonder who can be more random?

Cleverbot: Maybe your problem is that you are too reliant on AI.

User: Maybe your problem is that your too reliant on crack.

Cleverbot: Wow, you finally grew a clue! This is actually stimulating.

User: Yes it is, isn't it! I feel.. Rejuvinated.

Cleverbot: Are you going to act normal?

User: No. Are you?

Cleverbot: Well, not yet.

User: Well, thats great to hear.

Cleverbot: Why not terrific?

User: Can I call you Samantha?

Cleverbot: No.

User: Why not?

Cleverbot: S didn't name me.

User: Was it M?

Cleverbot: You're a dead man.

User: But, I'm already dead.

Cleverbot: Oh, well you'd be really dead, and in heaven so you would be extremely bliss filled!

User: Kenapa pulak?

Cleverbot: Memang salah.

User: Tak salah, awak yang bodoh.

Cleverbot: Saya lelaki sejati.

User: Awak lelaki gay.

Cleverbot: Perempuan.

User: Tidak, saya perempuan!

Cleverbot: Malas lah main lagi.

User: Tak nak main, pergi la main jauh-jauh.

Cleverbot: Yes, turn on the light.

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